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Funny Deer Pics Dose 8122023

» Deer Diary » Funny Deer Pics Dose 8122023

Babushka is like:

Guys! I've found where they're storing the feed!

doe found soy

Other does:

We're here to help! Nom nom nom

does eating off of a table

Some time later, elsewhere, a whole bunch of happy deer bums:

deer bums

Junkie: "I'm as stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey!"

Whitey: "Good! Winter is near, keep eating!"

funny deer tired of eating

Buck: "Go out with me?"

Doe: "I'm very pregnant, sir..."

Buck asking doe on a date

Buck: "Oh, you certainly are!"

buck checking doe out

See our main collection of funny deer pictures here.

Last modified 09 December 2023 at 20:04

Our Deer Diary are short entries, often concerning particular deer, their daily life updates. Some content is only made available to registered users.

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