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the doe #174

» Our deer » the doe [tag: 174 green] deer  at wondeerful farm YOB: 2016

Very nice, friendly hind. Knows a secret how to have many followers without a Twitter account. Happy to come first and many other deer will follow her.

deer leading the way

When she's waiting behind a fence to get food and sees you coming towards her, will get agitated and 'dance' on the spot impatiently.

one seven four hind

Was the first to learn how to lick maize off of our hands. In this short animated gif you can observe her doing just that:

deer eating from hand

And the first deer to ever come straight up, without the fence in between us. She's pretty fearless, as for the deer.

174 awaiting treats

"Just put your treats right in my mouth, thank you! Right here, right here!"

Deer miss 174, her fawn and a chewy bun

She brought her couple day old fawn with her right to our house.  Looks like this bun was not much fun! ))) Usually, our deer get multigrain toasts, soft and nice. But they'll eat any bread including crackers.

deer funny tongue

Deer Miss #174, NZ summer 2020

Since end of Februaty 2020 she started getting under the fence, following in Junkie's footsteps.

good girl

- Stand still for the picture, girl!

- Never!

Her curious nose in 2021

doe #174 nose

The same nose must've gotten her into trouble with a fence as she stuck her head somewhere tight and panicked, ripping her tag off. So since 2022 this doe is missing a tag. She is still easily identifiable though. When you feed out, she runs right in front of you as in 'you shall not pass until you give up that food to me!' She also got some facial features we recognize.

Last modified 18 September 2023 at 12:02

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